Your Medicine: Deep Introspection & Guiding Others
Explanation: Pisces are always in movement: like the ocean, ebbing and flowing with the rhythms of the moon. You are ancient and deep; a world of magic and mystery living inside of you. Your dreams are the undiscovered truth that explorers have been searching the cosmos for. Where they’ve looked outside of themselves, you’ve learned that the only way to go is within. Your mystic tendencies are unchartered. Your world is a mystery sometimes, even to you. It can be easy to get swept away, and become consumed by the vastness of your energy. Keep in mind that some people didn’t come with the proper vessel to adventure into your reality. If they can’t keep up, it’s going to slow you down too. So make sure others are following before you get swept away. While you explore the great depths of your abilities: have the right tools nearby to navigate the deep seas. Take care of your body and drop anchor when needed. Refill your energy regularly when venturing into the depths of your power. Then keep diving deeper. Don't be afraid to explore your edges: you'll discover that there's even more waiting for you on the other side of those things you think you know.
Balanced: Epic Exploration
Unbalanced: Abandoned at Sea
Your Gift: Intuition & Dreams
Your Learning: Creativity & Trust
Your magnificent perception of the vast and cosmic realms is only as profound as the people who you’re meant to share the vision with. Be in right relation with yourself and your loved ones before losing yourself in your own mystery. You’ve lived many life times, travelled very far, and seen many things. Trust your gut, and don’t apologize for being who you are.