Your Medicine: Shadow Work & Speak Your Truth
Explanation: Scorpio’s are sanctuaries of magic and mysticism. You have the depth to go deep and a mystery that inspires history. Your energy is like a pool of water: when clean and clear you revitalize those around you, but unkept and stagnant you may become murky with resentment. If neglect is your poison, then attention is your medicine in the right dose. The allure of a scorpio is their inner wellspring: a heart that inspires wild life force and encourages endless exploration. If your creativity feels shallow, or your ideas lost in the deep end: lean on your support system to clear out the unneeded debris. Tell people what needs cleaning, you know better than anyone. On the other hand: don't be offended by those who fear what lies beneath the surface of your intricacy. You are a sacred abode whose not meant for everyone. Be mindful who you let swim in the sacred depths of your mystery and intrigue.
Balanced: An Elixir
Unbalanced: A Poison
Your Gift: Mystery, Creativity
Your Learning: Passion, Relationship
You are a super sensual being that needs boundaries to fully embody your creative energy. Anchor yourself into present awareness, and check your energy before you exchange with others. Your voice carries a resonance that can change someone’s world, so share your view with intention and care. Remember to clean up your own emotions before dictating how anyone else should feel.