Karmic Relationships

Consciousness grows through relationship.

Relationships are not designed for you to stay the same. They are designed to transform you. One plus one becomes three. Two people form a third energy; a third aura, a third relational geometric diagram.

Relationships are necessary for you to work on something within your soul. They help you see the unseen and know the unknown.

Relationships are Karmic. Connected. Woven.
They guide you, inside you.

Relationships play on all our senses.

Especially the original ones. The ancient ones.
The ones from many lifetimes.

And they will only deepen in the days to come.
Relationships are our future currency.
Interdependence is the energy.

Exchange. Bartering cosmic information. Code uploads.

Individuation is a value system. Knowing who you are, your gifts, your contribution; your capacity to show up to the changing times- these are future value systems.

Until January 11, 2025; the nodes of the moon; the dragon song, is attuning to the harmonics of Aries and Libra. The head of the dragonโ€™s destiny; sitting in a sign of leadership, activism, and individuation. The dragonโ€™s tail whipping consciousness forward from the great libran rebalancing.

Judgement days. Summoning our teachers. Leaning out of guru ship ; and into fellowship.

Your bravery is needed. Sharpening of your tools. Training your body. Attuning your voice to speak and sing and harmonize the fields of earth.

In April 2024 we have a total eclipse in Aries that will cascade over North America. Totality will be 4 minutes and 27 seconds. Almost twice as long as the last one in 2017 that turned the wheel on many worlds. There wonโ€™t be another eclipse in North America for another 20 years.

Two becoming one. One becoming many. Many becoming all. All becoming one. One becoming one- becoming three.

What have you been feeling into in your relationships? How are you deepening? What are you seeing now?


2024 Committments

Do not set goals; make commitments.

Let life sing to you. Summon you.

Be created by your destiny.

Allow your guides to pour you offerings.

Give your gifts, your gratitude, your guidance.


Find the spiritual in the material.

Notice when theyโ€™re spelling you.

The guides always leave threads.

Your truth resonates through every dimension.

Listen to your sound. Attune to your song.

Recognize your vibration and youโ€™ll find yourself.

2024; the big leap. The big changeover. The return.

What are your predictions?

#ancientfuture #attunement #thebridge

The Land Spirit

There are new lines of communication open;

New spirits, sources, and souls in the chat.

Your energetic inheritance is being delivered.

Updates of guidance are dropping in.

You are being coded, divinely uploaded.

Spiritually downloaded.

Your body works with the grids of the land to receive and interpret this resonance into the field.

Your body is a channel for the other dimensions to communicate with Earth.

Your body is grounded cosmic equations into the patterns of the etheric weaves.

Land is going to summon you to work this out together.

Places, portals, pools- thresholds to commune.

You are a key that unlocks certain geometrical doors.

You have the coordinates to transmit intel to and from.

The land is going to help bring you current. The land spirits are here to help funnel this energy through.

The grid lines have been activated. The channels, rivers, and streams of consciousness have been liberated for psychic potential to flow through.

You have karma with land on this planet.

If you are born; you have a contract with the earth.

Discover yours. Learn why youโ€™re here. Listen.

They summon you.

Where have you been called to travel, move, or visit?


Psychic Sensations

You: the weaver of reality, have the gifts and the guidance to sing new harmonies.

A rhyme, a rhythm, a pattern- a song; a creator of frequency that breaks through all bonds; of slavery, discrimination, syphoning, and probing.. of prison systems that are built from fear and loathing.

You break the chains, you remind us weโ€™re free. You show those with wings; how to finally see; through the darkness and into our shadows. Releasing ourselves from this ancient old battle.. the one that pinned us:dark against light, and told us we couldnโ€™t see in the night. This was the lie that got consciousness trapped; inside of a fortress of a black cube of wrath.

Where we thought that light was what we could see- and that beyond that sight; was nothing weโ€™d need. But life is much more than superficial and shallow; it is the depths of our darkness that makes us unhallow.

And psychics, and seers; they know how to see- beyond the branches and leaves; into gnarly roots of the tree.

They take in the whole picture; they receive the whole show.. they are not limited by what experts โ€œknow.โ€

They keep their eyes open; they follow the signs. They trust intuition; listen to their guides. And it is those who are willing to see a bigger picture, and look into the mirrors of their own greatest dangers.. it is these beings who humanity needs; to summon the soul songs, to create the new weaves..

Because life is dropping the downloads in handfuls; looking for the beings who know how to channel.

And psychics and seers know how to decode, they can translate the spiritual, psychic downloads.

They weave the energy and develop relations that dials up the phone to all of creation. And help us all hear the words from divine; the great messenger who communicates in sign.

So we all better learn even more of the subtle, and listen to the symbols that help us discover- exactly what life is meant for and why we are all here. For this lifetime is very precious and dear.

Humanityโ€™s story has changed now and forever. Weโ€™ve opened the bridge to a new slice of heaven. Psychic technology is the language of universes; so we all better get comfortable with our new psychic intelligences.


Human Design- But Make it Magic

Human Design is a magical system to know yourself and flow into the currents of your authentic energy.

Entering the experiment is to take off on a wild adventure through your own soul blueprint.

It is a process of individuation. Personal aura calibration, and a remedy for chronic misalignment.

Getting to know your chart is an attunement,

An auric blueprint attunement.

It is a direct path to get your energy in flow.

This lifetime is about getting to know who you are. Down to your cells.. all of your selves.

It is through this level of the game that you can find the portal back to your magnificent soul.

You are weaver of lifetimes. You have come to remember. You have been born to remind us.

Recalibrate to your authentic energy. Reawaken your life.

We are all magical beings connected and communing with the powers of earth..

Like a fire, the Manifestor has a repelling aura; though there is an attraction to the fire, there is also an energy here that says, โ€œdo not get to close and definitely do not touch.โ€ This is how the Manifestor moves through the world- transforming lives, alchemizing reality, creating change, initiating life source.

Like the Earth, the Generator is regularly replenished with energy that gives life. The Generator has an open and enveloping aura. Like the great Mother; it wraps its arms around us in a gesture of protection, acceptance and love.

Like the water, Projectors are channeling life energy through Earth. The Projector aura is focused & absorbing; similar to water; when it flows strongly towards a source; it can carve through the densities of material conditioning and create new bends and turns in the direction of someoneโ€™s life.

Like the air, Reflectors are adaptable; able to take up any space they are in and transform into any environment. The Reflector aura is sampling and porous; allowing for the dispersion of energy around them to swirl through their aura like white smoke; cleansing and cleaning the mirrors of humanityโ€™s reflections.

The MG defies all rules of the space/time continuum. Their vehicle is designed to travel creatively through dimensions; collapsing time, and defying the laws of linear travel. Their response opens a portal through which their energy manifests quick jumps on the timelines.

So Magicians; let us know- what are your elemental powers?

Psychic and Psychedelic

When you remeet someone in this life that you have spent many lifetimes with; there is a whole other level of flow that can be accessed.

Youโ€™ve done this before. Together. And you know, you remember that you wouldnโ€™t have reincarnated without everyone on the team agreeing to go.

The friendship goes deeper. Faster. And not just because you two have spent the night gabbing (though you probably have) but because the energetic match; makes up a new configuration in your lifeโ€™s geometry.

Suddenly you have new eyes to see with. New ears to hear with. They invoke something within you. You each become activators for each otherโ€™s destiny timeline.

This is really sacred code.

Psychic updates donโ€™t just come from our practices they come from our relationships.

Our awakeningโ€™s are psychically attuned to the energetic geometry of the people who make up our world. This is what our aura collaborates with; this is how flow- forms.

The greater weavings are intricately woven within us, and that means that they move to and from our soul lineages too.

We didnโ€™t come here to be in this alone; we came here to do this together.

Find the ancient ones. Remember your lifetimes. Reinstate the prophecy, together.

Whatโ€™s your favorite past life remembrance?

The psychic energy is not just playing out behind the scenes anymore. It is full force front and center in the collective consciousness.

You think of someone, theyโ€™re messaging you.
You wonder why that person hasnโ€™t written you back, suddenly theyโ€™re responding minutes later.
Someone pops into your head and you think, โ€œI should call them.โ€ You donโ€™t. Your phone rings minutes later.

This is the kind of stuff that can sometimes get brushed off as coincidence, but if you work with this energy- there is an access point to greater awareness.

When you understand that the world is made up of psychic energy; that the psychic energy creates our lived reality- you have greater tools to play the game.

People are going to become more psychic, not because theyโ€™re changing but because reality is rearranging to reveal the truth of our energetic coding.

The veil is thinning, the illusions are lifting, the blinders to our third eye are being removed.

Psychics in practice have an attuned mental state to pick up on the subtle. It is a way of being. An openness to the senses being key radar and sonar for the mind.

Psychic energy is being โ€œusedโ€ by everyone in every moment of every day. You think about someone? There is psychic energy involved. You send someone a prayer? Psychic energy. You read someoneโ€™s post and think how horrible they are- psychic energy sent.

There is psychic sexual energy.
Psychic spiritual energy.
Psychic mental energy, emotional energy, programming energy, manipulation energy, conscious energy. You name it; thereโ€™s a psychic floppy disk in the mainframe uploading the prophesy of it.

So itโ€™s a vital tool to understand this psychic phenomenon. Not because you need it for your business, though that helps, but because you need it for living your life. Where we are going as a human species is into a life cycle where our psychic abilities will reign over all other forms of communication.

Donโ€™t you want to be able to speak the language of the future? The language of technology? The language of the updated human species?

Psychic energy is everywhere.

Have you accessed your telepathic abilities?

Telepathy; the communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

Telepathic abilities are getting turned all the way on.

If you are a sensitive being, one who uses their senses to tune into and interpret the energies around you, then you are a leader for our kind.

Humanity is changing, our blueprints are rearranging. Our psychic energy is becoming more clairvoyant.

Those who are tuning into the psychic fields, are tuning into the future of humanity. Where communication is telepathic. Where our information exchange is psychic.

So. Whatโ€™s your experience with telepathy and psychic communication? Do you feel it? Believe in it?

The oracles are returning;

come to tend, kinship, and shepherd the vision of this home.

Earth is an Oracleโ€™s playground;

The mystery is alive here.

Creation with it is a sacred offering to the play.

Especially within these wildly magical times.

Many myths and prophecies are beginning to twinkle awake.

There are master teacher on planet with mountains of medicine and wisdom to share.

If you are lit up by this post, you are probably one of them.

What people are creating through their crafts, curiosity and passions is out of this world.

We will look back on this time as a portal that birthed creativity.

An ascension of multi dimensions of souls manifesting their visions.

Iโ€™m a collector of art with spiritual complexity. Co-created and disciplined by divinated guides.

We are witnessing an awakening of devotees to the mysteries.

An Oracular Renaissance.

All of our participation is not just requested, but required.

Make the thing! It is not up to you to decide why it is coming alive.

Your creation holds a vision.

When if is manifested into this world you become a beacon of its spiritual energy.

People will seek this spirit out.

You are the channel of a new program here on earth.

One we are all excited to tune into the frequency of.

Create the thing. The energy is electrified with potential for you.

Your vision is your key to access the next door. You must follow it.

For yourself.
For the world.
For the playground.
