Everywhere you flow, you grow a new field.

The more that you teach, the more that’s revealed.

Upgrade your template, remember what’s real.

Attune to your soul song, and all will be healed.

It has already begun..

Your Body Is the Vessel of Mysteries

I see you…

Part Woman, Part Animal

I feel you…

Bird Being, Winged One

I hear you…

Mermaid, Siren, Muse

You have worn many faces, walked many lifetimes, travelled to many different worlds.

You have the heart of a journeyer…

A soul that sings a powerful song…

Remembering, feeling, dreaming, visioning: this is who you are!

Enlightening, healing, and balancing the psychic seas; is your mission and purpose in this life.

Tend to Your Vessel

As the higher codes of consciousness download into the fields of planet earth: you are being initiated. Your body is the vessel intended to hold this new energy, and it is pouring forth into you now. For so long, humans have been orphaned; separated from the nourishment, sustenance, and nutrients of a healthy and well energetic field. For so long humanity has been disconnected from the life that is lived with the soul fully embodied. But all is changing now.

What is the greatest gift you could imagine giving to another?

Does it require a well, healthy, empowered, & resourced version of you?

Does it call for your unique wisdom, channel, and intuition?

Do you need more energy/vitality/time/money to bring it through?

Journey to the Temple Space

Shalom, Peaceful Greetings, Welcome- We have been waiting for you. The Temple doors are open. The sacred flame is lit.

Muses, Messenger, Medicine People, Legends of the Lore: all have laid their prayers at this alter.

Each has taken seat around the fire; sharing their stories as kindling… offering their teachings as fuel…

Giving guidance as oxygen to all who sit and breathe in the warmth of the light.

Again, we have been called. Our souls have been summoned.

The treasures of human consciousness have long been buried, but they are now ready to be found.

Each insight; unique. Each voice; precious. Each perspective- a channel to the word of God.

Your gifts are waiting just beneath the surface, it’s time to dive in to your magic.

Will you sit with us around the fire, rekindling the old ways?

Join The Maiden’s Voyage

Down down down…

down the rabbit hole we go.

In Attunement, we believe that the Patriarchy was a necessary evil to birth a stronger container for feminine energy to flow here on planet earth. The siren, who has long been demonized rejected, and held to a standard of manipulation- is the one who can take masculine energy and alchemize it into stronger female form. SHE restores balance in an overly masculine world. SHE creates abundance through entertainment, sensuality, and beauty. SHE attracts with intention… Manifests with sound… Awakens all with the song of her sexy mysterious soul.

Break the spell of your own life.
— The Wild Unknown Archetype Guidebook

You have ancient wisdom living inside of your body. Gems, treasures, totems: buried deep within your soul. Your aura is magnetic, your energy sparkles, you answer to no one but your own wild intuitive nature. You are a maiden of the mysteries, and it is time to reveal to you that which has been hidden. You hold the keys. You are the channel. You are the voice of the great grand masters of the universe.

You have been given the most important purpose on this planet at this time, “Bring the ancient traditions, wisdoms, and prophecies to the new world.”

This planet has been spiritually dry, the energetic resources have been low, the source of life itself has been diluted and demonized for far too long. But you, great master, have ascended. You’ve walked through these fires before. You have the map, you know the way, you carry all the tools you need to bring your community to the other side. Though spirit may have felt distant, and the next reservoir, far; you are closer than realize Soul Bird. You have the views, perceptions and seership to know the oasis draws near. The time is now- remember what you came here for.

The Power of Transmutation

Shed the skin of everything you’ve believed was not good enough. Every part of you that has felt like you don’t belong. It is what makes you different, that makes you worthy. It is what you’ve felt missing in this world, that brought you here now. It’s time to transmute any false programs of the magic that you be, into the resonance that is rightful and true for you.

The Importance of Protecting Your Energy

Just because you have the power of transmutation, does not mean you need to be a human sponge of the world’s emotions. Protecting your energy allows you to hold your frequency. You need to know who you are when walking in a world that wants you to belong to it. You are a creator. You are your own being. You get to claim your space, and set up your field to be by invitation only.

The Gift of Building Together

The work that you are here to do will require a team. A tribe of souls who resonate with your being, a temple of spirit to lay your offerings at the alter of, a congregation of voices to harmonize the song of your intuition. The one man matrixes is falling, the queendom of nature spirits is holding the new grid for all.

Attune To The Rhythm of Your Soul


Attune To The Rhythm of Your Soul 〰️


This is a spiritually guided journey to dive deep into the depths of your soul and reclaim ALL OF YOU. With that being said- it is up to you (YES, YOU!) to decide exactly how this guidance will unfold. This isn’t a cookie cutter program with a very specific list of how we are going to resurrect your soul’s knowledge (cause like…. that doesn’t exist). This offering will be fully manifested by the guides, guardians, and protectors of your soul’s mission. Exactly what is meant to come through, will be dependent on YOU, and the song your soul wants to invoke for you in this present moment of sitting in circle.

The following roadmap is the guidance that has already been revealed, more will flow in and some may get washed away depending on the unique blueprint of individuals that come together to design this ancient future frequency.

Know Your Energy

What does it feel like, sound like, look and do? How can you access more of you? YOUR energy is the key to your codes, unlock the door so you can come home. Know, believe, sense, and seal; the energetics of your field. Attune yourself to your own channel, and you will have power that cannot be tampered.


You are the keeper of the keys to your Mastery. You know what is right for you…Level one is a deepening into your own personal practice. Maybe you’ve been Reiki attuned before but unsure how to incorporate your new found powers into a grounded embodied practice. Maybe you’re completely new to energy healing, but have a deep connection to your spirit and know that you are ready to claim more. Level one is an opportunity to study with an advanced practitioner who has spent over a decade fine tuning a master plan to help you deepen into your gifts, healing abilities, and connection to your guides. This is an intro like you’ve never intro’d before. Walk away from this training with a well developed practice to feel, balance, and know your energy, create intuitive boundaries, access your psychic gifts and develop a clear connection to your spiritual hype team. Level one is a three hour live transmission and Attunement ceremony on zoom. Details will be channeled once our sacred group forms.

Level Two

You are ready to dive deeper. How can you share your beautiful gifts with others in a way that doesn’t drain your resources, but instead replenishes and refills your energy to feel lighter, brighter and more alive each time you hold space for another? If you know that you are meant to support other visionaries like yourself, but unsure how to work with others in reciprocity, then this is your golden ticket to success. Offering healing work is one of the greatest steps you can take to up-leveling your own healing. Each client becomes a mentor, each student becomes a new teacher. Each medicine that channels through you becomes a valuable tool in your ritual kit. There is nothing quite like sharing your clear energy with another- it is an undeniable way to remember the incredible powers of your ancient soul. Level two includes two, live three hour transmissions and Attunement ceremonies. You also gain access to a small library of energetic practices, teachings, and tools.

Level Three

All about that business of magic baby! This month is vital to building a well, healthy, and thriving community practice. You can have all the tools, you can develop your mastery, but without understanding the mechanics behind your energetic gifts and offerings- you will find yourself swimming upstream, or resisting diving in at all. We are living in a new paradigm that does not require you to live by anyone else’s blueprint but your own. When you build your practice by your design- your mission is going to succeed: JUST LIKE MAGIC. In this level of study you will be aligning, defining, and realizing your potential to take your gifts and serve the soul contracts that you are divined to work with. No more chasing opportunities that aren’t for you, working with people who don’t respect your medicine, or giving your psychic powers away for free. The Universe wants to pay you for your service. Now is your time to open and receive your blessings. Level three includes three live, three hour transmissions and Attunement ceremonies (includes Reiki levels one & two, plus an Attunement for your business), access to a living library of energetic practices, teachings and tools, human design & astrology downloads, an alter box ritual kit, live training sessions, and Voxer coaching with the facilitator and spirit squad!

Down down down….deeper and deeper you go…

where the journey stops? Only you can know…


You are visioning this into being:

Future communities that weave ancient cultures. Future templates activated by ancient rights.

The Mysteries are stirring because the Masters are awakening.

Souls who hold the codes from the original timelines.

Energetic Resonance is the language we are speaking now.

Spirit guided living is the new normal.

Our bodies are the guides,

Our hearts, the guardians.

Ancestors, Animals, and Plants:

are our respected teachers, friends, and medicines walking us through this journey.

The path has spoken. It is time to resurrect the ancient wisdom.

You are a bridge between the ancestor’s medicine and a future yet unknown.

You are being called, “Weave a new world.


Facilitator: Eliana Miranda

My name means God Has Answered Me.

I am a messenger of divine energy. A channel for the great spirit of creation. A frequency keeper of well healthy MAsterful energy.

I am a teacher, guide, and energetic weaver of worlds.

I speak to spirit and spirit speaks back.

I share the wisdoms, and the wisdoms share with me.

I am a Lightworker, Attuned Usuii Reiki Master, Multidimensional Wellness Advocate, and Magical Liaison.

I work for Source. I’m an advocate for your Soul. I believe in your Spirit.

I am my own greatest masterpiece, and I am ecstatic to be co-creating this life with you.

You are invited

To be a transmission of healed, healthy energy

To be a frequency keeper of harmony, balance and love

To be a spirit speaker and translator of signs, symbols and magic

Attunement Is currently in session



What exactly is this? (Details)

A magical AF (yes I said it) spiritual training experience to connect you with your energy, teach you the mechanics of your aura, and download a new template of boundary setting and gift sharing. Activate and tune your spiritual mission, support the earth and her children, and call in more of your soul contracts and community.

Depending upon your level of engagement (IE- whether you choose to partake in levels one two or three), you will receive a certain set of energy transmissions, trainings, and teachings.

What you will receive in Level One: a three hour live transmission and Reiki I Attunement which allows you to access a strong energetic current called Reiki (translates to Universal Life Energy) for your own self healing practice. You will also receive guidance and meditations to access your unique energetic channel, understand your energy body, and develop your home practice. Other practices that might flow in depending on our group include lightwork training, earth magic, spiritual guidance, alter building, animal medicine. You will also receive the Level One guidebook.

What you will receive in Level Two: All that is included in Level One, + another three hour live transmission and Reiki II Attunement that allows you to share Reiki healing energy with others (IE friends, family, clients, animals). You will receive teachings and training to set up your own unique practice with others, define your gifts and intuitive abilities, and receive valuable guidance from your spirit team. We will either begin or expand on modalities listed above; lightwork, earth magic, spiritual guidance, alter building, animal medicine, plus any other modalities that flow in during our time together. You will gain access to a library of practices you can use to tune in and go deeper + the Level Two guidebook.

What you will receive in Level Three: All that is included in Level One & Two + another three hour live transmission and Reiki Attunement for your business. This activation will not only fine tune your magical gifts and reveal the blueprint for your work in the world, but it will also act as a beacon transmitter to all of your soul mate clients and people that are looking for your unique brand of energy work. Level three is a mastery level program for those that are really ready to step into a new level of their soul’s mission. This is why you will have access to a living library of practices that will continue to transform and grow as our community does, a Level Three guidebook, training days for you to practice your magic with other devotees, Voxer coaching with Eliana and her spirit squad where you can ask questions & receive personal guidance, and an AMAZING Alter kit. We have gathered our favorite spiritual tools to share with you for our alter box that is valued at over $111. Think- delicious sprays, candles, anointing oil, crystals, and other surprises. Again- none of this is set in stone because all will be conjured based on the unique soul group that says yes to this experience, but it will be a magical set of intentionally crafted tools that will support you to grow your practice while keeping your energy feeling good.

*please note that a Reiki Attunement, all on its own, will level up your life and spiritual anatomy in a way that is unique for everyone. This Attunement experience, is intended to bring you back to you! It is unlike any other energy trainings out there because it weaves different modalities, connects you to your own channel, teaches you not to give your power away to any practice, lineage, modality that is not attuned to your own sacred frequency. At the end of this you will feel more like yourself than you ever had before because this experience will wake up your energy, activate dormant soul gifts, and connect you to a spiritual oasis that you’ve been integrating for many lifetimes.

When will we meet?

The three hour live transmissions and Attunement days will be scheduled after Eliana feels into the group dynamics and decides which day will hold the right energy for our soul meet up. If you can not make it live or prefer to practice in your own energy- you will receive a recording. Energy is powerful through all space and time, and is simply based on the intention- something you will learn through this process. So if the live meeting is not in your flow, trust that you will receive it in the perfect way for YOU.

How will I access the extra teachings and trainings?

You will be given access to a Teachable school and library designed specifically. for your level of Attunement to access all the goods. *Level three is the only level that will have access to a living library that grows and transforms as the community does.

Is this space only for women?

Yes, this particular organization of energies is for those who identify with being in a female body and are excited about working with their feminine energy.

*There is a small circle forming for a masculine energy oriented group in the near future. If this is something you or someone you know would be interested in, please send me an email (found below).

Have other questions that were not answered here?

Please send me an email at Eliana@wellnessweaver.com and we can talk!


It is so good to give and receive something so pure and genuine. And I am so grateful to Eliana for bringing so much of that to light! Especially for opening up the door during this time, to do so. While going through Attunement and the Reiki teachings, I was also going to therapy. It was funny how interwoven the two were! Doesn’t surprise me, since they are two lines of healing work- different but so much alike. The messages I received in my practice would re-appear in therapy! Thank you to Eliana for always serving that cobra energy Queen! I can’t wait to keep learning.
— Victoria, the Psychic Pisces visionary with big heart, big dreams and a magical earth guided business

Your Soul Knows

Trust Your intuition, Follow The Energy

Attune To Your Frequency