Attune Up


Attune Up


The live circle is now closed but you can still join us by tuning into the recording!

This circle was held on a magical Friday the 13 during Taurus season and right in the middle of a powerful Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse portal. Spirit called, “Come; soak in the bounty of your fertile soul and grow gardens of healthy, well: EDEN energy. Tune into the earth frequency, and ground your body into the natural rhythm and life source that lives within your field.”

In Attune Up you will have the opportunity to tune in with tools of breath, energy, your connection to earth & personal lineage of magic. All you need is your body and your being, but feel called to bring intuitive support.

Parents, children, friends, animals- your beings and being are welcomed! In Attune up, we’re not tuning out of the world, we’re tuning into it. You are welcomed as you feel called to honor yourself and the earth in this grounded healing in whatever way resonates.

We have donated over $111 to The White Wolf Sanctuary in honor of this circle. If you feel called, send offerings to these earth animal tenders here:

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