Dream Weaving *3 Session Package*

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Dream Weaving *3 Session Package*


Welcome Friend,

It is 3:33 as I write this and the guides have been clear- the Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice Portal is going to be a really valuable time to go deep into the psychic, magic, spiritual healing work. So many of you have been reaching out to me about breathwork sessions and hearing the call to dive into the body and excavate anything that is not serving the long term goals of your soul. The breath has been an incredible ally in my own grieving work with my mother and I’ve been getting the message that it is absolutely necessary to start working with this tool more regularly moving forward. I’m listening to your intuitive nudges to work with me, and opening my schedule for the fall to hold space for the soul inquiries, healing cycles completing, and dreams that are weaving us into the future. If you are feeling called to work in these realms- join us in this epic offering!


3 sessions for $225, which breaks down to $70/session (normally $150) Each 60-75 minute sessions, can be redeemed monthly between September 22 and December 22. Appointments are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and occasional Sundays.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me Eliana@wellnessweaver.com.

Appointment types that you can choose from:

(Ideally, you choose one of each offering but honor your intuition, and let me know what you’re looking for when you schedule.)

Breathwork Journey

- Experience a deeply restorative, transformative, and emotionally clearing practice. This type of pranayama breathing is done while lying on your back following a certain pattern and repetition of breath through the mouth. Eliana will be guiding the experience with music, Reiki, and intentional coaching and mentorship. This practice is for all levels and can be tailored to your present needs.

Energy Counsel

- A combination of energy reading, healing, and guidance. Eliana is an attuned Reiki Master, Lightwork Practitioner, and devout student of the energy body from the vedic/tantric lineages, Kabbalastic Mysticism, and Human Design. Each session will be individual, dynamic and tailored to the guidance from an oracle reading, chakra tuning, and recommendations from your spiritual support team

Reiki Attunement

- Reiki is a powerful healing energy that taps you into the nectar of your spiritual embodiment here on planet earth. It is a medicine that seeks to serve only what is in loving, harmonic, soulful support to the present moment. Reiki is an incredible ally for any physical, emotional, psychic, social or other ailment that keeps your life force dim and your energy not what it used to be. A Reiki Healing Attunement is designed specifically to upgrade the energetic mainframe of your energy field and support all systems to work together in more harmony and unison.

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Dream Weaving

You will receive an email with the link to book your first session after you complete your purchase.

It is a dream to work with you!

Love and Gratitude,
