Resources, Conversation, Insights, and Healing Practices for Grief Work
Grief is a journey that all will walk eventually. The idea is to accept and receive Grief as an offering for alchemy, rather than a burden or a curse. This experience, is simply just a sensation that allows for revelation, restoration, and integration; but it first asks the walker to release, let go, and trust in life’s flow. This resource kit includes some of the support systems that I, Eliana, have personally used in my own processes with grief, and ones that have requested to be a part of this conversation.
Grief is alchemical in nature..
Grief is a guru.
Grief is a gift from God.
Grief is a guide to your next lifetime.
I am not a therapist, or a certified grief counselor. I am a human who is living daily with grief. Whether it is the emotion that arises when I remember my mother is dead, or the pain I feel when I can’t hear my dog’s little nails klick klacking on the floor, or if I feel into the wounds my father carries daily with his cancer diagnosis; I am feeling the energy of grief. I have also experienced grief as numbness, being cold to life, wondering if I will every laugh or find the joy that others seem to so easily access. Then there is the collective grieving; the loss of life since 2020, the heaviness of reality unveiling its unrelenting truths and hardships. The news shows the world as war stricken, evil, and full of pain. Social media is a mirror for all places one feels lacking in their own life. We don’t have as many safe spaces to connect with others due to looming sickness. The pleasures that once seemed to keep things copacetic; don’t offer the same type of relief they used to.
AND- most people don’t know how, don’t want to, or are in complete resistance to sitting with and acknowledging their grief. So if you are someone who is actively living, being, and honoring your emotional energy in this way- it may feel like there isn’t a whole lot of community out there to be in it with you. Grief is a very lonely journey. No one else can feel what you are feeling, and many have been trained to try and hypnotize you into feeling better. They either aggressively ask how you’re feeling, and don’t really want to know the truth of your heightened experience, or just expect you to say that things are “better.” Or they are trying to cheer you up, force you into small talk, tell you all about the life that is being lived outside of your sadness.. if only you just got over it and went back to being in the world. But the thing is that; when you are in a grief cycle- your whole world has this layer over it. You look through eyes with a filter of heartache. Nothing, no one, not a single experience can wash that away for you… And most of the time- you don’t want it to. Because grief is there for a reason. It is a teacher. It holds a curriculum. And you are not here to bypass the grief bar- you’re here to get your degree and graduate from it.
There is a saying that time heals all wounds, and though this is absolutely true, there is more to the story. Time does heal, it helps you cope, it gives you space to process, it even makes things feel a little easier and more manageable. But without attention, care, and tending- the wounds will fester. Many shove their grief story into a closet to deal with at some later time, and then it sneaks up like a jack in the box; springing forth pain, chaos and confusion that takes your whole life down with it. When grief arrives at your door, it wants a seat at the table. It doesn’t want to be left out in the cold or told to come back at a time that is more convenient- because when it arrives, it means that a guru of divine energy has showed up at your home with a message, a teaching, a lesson; just for you.
So if you are in the thick of it, please know that though you may feel totally alone in this grief; there are many sitting at this alter with you. There are candles lit, guides and allies standing by, and ancestors watching over you to help you through this difficult time. There are people you are meant to meet through this process; new friends and trusted soldiers who were not afraid to walk this path. Grief might feel heavy, and dense, and like you are choking on sadness, but it is an alchemical madness that breaks you from old habits. Its an opportunity to start again and find a new way to walk to the end. Grief is often the indicator that we have left one timeline, and are journeying to another that is in more alignment. There are so many ways that grief is a guru, an energetic shaman that is here to help you. It is not afraid of the dark terrain, in fact it knows that’s where all crystals are made; in the depth, in the darkness in the divine pressure.. All you have to do is find the treasure.
Below you will find many unique resources and practices for your grief journey. From healing songs, to herbs, to body scans to determine where you have lodged stuck emotional energy. All are meant to be of service, and to encourage you to find the one or two that really speaks to you, and journey with that new tool from there with care.
Healing Songs
The following recordings hold a few variations of songs that have helped me in my healing journey. I recorded them, even if they come from other songs, because I think it is helpful to have a short healing prayer that you can learn the words to and sing to yourself again and again in times when you just don’t know what else to do. At least that is how I was using them. I didn’t record these to sound pretty or make a cool audio track- I imprinted my voice with Reiki and intended to create a healing vibration for you receive exactly what you need on your journey.
Lyrics: Easy, Easy baby. You don’t have to carry; the weight of the world on your muscles and bones.. Let go, let go, let go.
The original song: Spotify Link
Hey.. you’re doing okay, but it’s gonna take time. It just takes some time.
The original song: Spotify Link
May I be empty, and open to receive the light. May I be empty and open to receive. May I be full, and open to receive the light. May I be full, and open to receive.
The original song: Spotify Link
And just to keep some levity- a silly song came through that said, “Sing this to your grief!” Hope it makes you smile.
Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah. Why don’t you and I combine? Let’s get together, what do you say? We can have a swinging time. We’d be a crazy team. Why don’t we make a scene? Together?
The original song: Spotify Link
Here is a playlist with Some Additional Healing Sounds:
Herbs are earth’s healing medicine and can be consumed by tea, in flower essences, by sitting with and connecting with the spirit of the plant, and I’m sure other ways. Herbs are a grounded, natural way to provide the body with healing. Here are some herbs that came through to work with for grief:
Hawthorn: Heart Healer; for the density of heartache, and to help reconnect with the peace and love that comes from the heart.
Motherwort: Lion Hearted. For mothering thyself, and healing after the loss of a mother figure, or for someone who has lost a child.
Rose: Softening with Boundaries. For shedding the layers of numbness, while still having strong boundaries for the tenderness and sensitivity of a wounded heart.
Matcha: Cup of Joy. To sip in joyful energy, and connect with the levity available after healing from grief.
More Insights: Herbs For Grieving
The 5 stages of Grief
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
The 5 stages of grief are actually the 5 stages one goes through when they find out they are dying.. So for those of us that are living with grief? This is important awareness to have. Grief feels like a death.. maybe its an ego death, maybe its the cells dying and transforming to accept in this new level of life. Maybe it’s the loss of the timeline that you once were on before the initiation of your grief began to send you to the next one. But the fact remains, when you are grieving; a part of you is literally dying, You live through your own death cycle, and by golly- it feels like it. You are saying goodbye, letting go of, and mourning an entire lifetime that you are no longer going to be living after the grief has its way with you.
On the brighter side of things… You also see that at a certain point, looking back, your higher self had to step in and take the reins so your human self could processes whatever it was that instigated this grief cycle. Support reveals itself in new ways; whether by people or spiritual allies, or new practices and paths that open up through the dark caves of the emotional alchemy.
And though it’s a journey.. the grief cycle is actually wildly unilinear, unpredictable, and has a mind and energy all of its own. The imprint gets stored forever, it seems, within the body’s bones.
Feel it to Heal it
Releasing tears, anger, sadness, pain, laugh, dance, sob, moan, shake, sweat, swim, breathe, cleanse, write/journal- get it out of the body. This is a necessary step on the alchemical journey. Find yourself empty, so you can learn what you need to find yourself full of your own energy again.
Your body is the gateway: build strength again, by literally strength training. Create movement in your life by stretching or dancing- moving your body. If you feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you- get to grounding! Bare feet on the earth, sit with a tree, breathe in the air and the earth’s energy. Hold crystals, lay on the ground, listen to music that makes you feel sound. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much moving through your body- release. Breathwork is an incredible practice for you at this time. Make noise. Kick, scream, have yourself a good old fashioned tantrum. Chant, tone, use your voice and its vibration to shake up any sensations that you no longer need to be feeling. Take a salt bath, or get yourself into or near a body of salt water. Shower with the intention to clear energy. Take a walk, go to nature. Nature is a deeply supportive ally for grieving and really just for all state of being. Nature is the earth’s original healer.
The following recordings are two different prayers that may be helpful in your journey. They are spoken in Hebrew, the original light language, and just by listening (even without fully understanding) your light body (your aura/energy field) can receive potent support and activations. Feel free to use these as they resonate with you.
Hebrew Prayer for Mourning:
“Kaddish is a 13th century Armaic prayer said during traditional service. Kaddish means “sanctification” in Armaic and “Holy” in Hebrew. This prayer is one that encourages the soul to hold its faith even in challenging times. It is traditionally prayed with a room of 10 or more so that the griever always feels like there is community with them, and to encourage the griever to not lose their community even when the instinct would be to pull away and withdraw.”
Translated with inclusivity in mind: Magnified and sanctified is the great name of God throughout the world, which was created according to divine will. May peace be established speedily in our time, unto us and unto the entire household of humankind. And let us say; Amen. May God’s holy name be praised throughout all eternity. Glorified and celebrated, loved and praised, acclaimed and honored, extolled and exalted every be the name of thy Holy One, far beyond all song and psalm, beyond all hymns of glory which mortals can offer. And let us say; Amen. May there be an abundant peace from heaven, with life’s goodness for us and for the people of earth. And let us say; Amen. May the One who brings peace to the universe bring peace to all beings everywhere. And let us say: Amen.
Hebrew Prayer for those who are ill or recovering:
This can be said by the person who is healing, or a friend or family can honor them with this prayer. There is an opportunity to say and fill in the name of the person that you are reciting prayer for. Often times it is said as, “person’s name + daughter/son of (their mother’s name) + daughter/son of (their father’s name)” to invoke the fully spirit of the individual without confusion. If you don’t know this additional information then the first name of the person is completely adequate. This prayer can be used before or after surgery, during treatments, upon admission to or discharge from a hospital or care facility, anniversary of a diagnosis, and whenever it feels necessary.
Translated with inclusivity in mind: May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon him/her/them, to restore them, to heal them, to strengthen them, to enliven them. The One will send him/her/them, speedily, a complete healing- healing of the soul and healing of the body- along with all of the ill, amongst the beings of the earth and all humankind, soon, speedily, without delay. And let us say; Amen!
Kundalini Prayers
The Following recording is from Kundalini Yoga and spoken in the language of Gurmukhi. This is the opening and closing prayer to any kundalini practice, and at the center- a prayer for protection. This was deeply healing for me to chant after the loss of my grandmother.
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo- I bow to the divine wisdom of all that is, I bow to the teacher within.
Aad Guray Nameh- I bow to the Primal Wisdom.
Jugaad Guray Nameh- I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages.
Sat Guray Nameh- I bow to the True Wisdom.
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh- I bow to the great, unseen Wisdom
May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within; guide your way on/home.
Sat Nam- Truth is my name, or The True Everylasting
Body Scanning
It can be helpful to check in with your body regularly during grieving to understand where you are holding, blocking, or numbing the emotional energy trying to move through you. The following practice is a body interview, and an opportunity to physically ask your body how it’s feeling and what is going on inside:
I am my toes and I am feeling ______
I am my feet and I am feeling ______
I am my ankles and I am feeling ______
I am my legs and I am feeling ______
I am my knees and I am feeling ______
I am my hips and I am feeling ______
I am my pelvis and I am feeling ______
I am my belly and I am feeling ______
I am my chest and I am feeling ______
I am my breath and I am feeling ______
I am my heart and I am feeling ______
I am my fingers and I am feeling ______
I am my hands and I am feeling ______
I am my wrists and I am feeling ______
I am my arms and I am feeling ______
I am my shoulders and I am feeling ______
I am my lower back and I am feeling ______
I am my upper back and I am feeling ______
I am my neck and I am feeling ______
I am my head and I am feeling ______
I am my voice and I am feeling ______
I am my thoughts and I am feeling ______
I am my brain and I am feeling ______
I am my body and I am feeling ______
I am my mind and I am feeling ______
I am my soul and I am feeling ______
Finally, I’m including a daily breathwork practice to start sitting with and feeling into your grief. This is done all while laying down on your back, and all through the mouth. You take one deep breath into your belly, and then a second inhale into your heart space before you release a full exhale and then start the pattern again. Try it. Feel the magic for yourself.
Grief is a Guide
Somewhere there is a cave, and in the center is an alter, and in that alter lives the grief and mourning of everyone who needed somewhere to rest their pain.
Somewhere there is a cave, and in the center is an alter, and in that alter lives the candles and offerings of everyone who needed somewhere to remember their love.
Somewhere there is a cave, and in the center is an alter, and in that alter lives the sounds and songs of everyone who needed somewhere to share their story.