October- 1+1=3


Greetings Weaver 📰


October Energy Reading;

THEME: 1+1=3

The Devotion of Kissing Auras

Divination at the Feet Of..

The Lightwork of Relationships

Collaboration is a necessity. Where you are going- you can not make it alone. You are dependent on the people around you. You are guided by them, gifted by them, grounded by them. You are also initiated, schooled, and awakened by those you walk with- both the “good” ones and the perceived "bad” ones too.

The people in your life are bringing you YOUR karma. We can project all we want onto other people about who we think they are, and what we think they’re doing.. but the fact remains- these people are characters in your story.

Your soul yearns to experience life through the other. You’ve created these plot lines, and hired on all these actors- you consented to their part in this play.

Their energy auditioned, got casted, and rehearsed for this act in your story.

You have karmic contracts that you came into this world with. Your daily interactions and exchanges with those you see/speak to regularly- are greatly and deeply affecting, shaping, and initiating you.

Together, combined- you and another can create a third. You two, create THREE. There is you, there is them- and then there is the spirit of your relationship.

You are making, shaping, and building entire WORLDS with people.

What wouldn’t exist without the alchemical nature of your 1+1=3 calculations?

People are patterns.

People are portals.

People are puzzles.

There are doorways for you- hidden in the hearts of your loved ones. Kept secret and sacred..waiting for you; the one person who has the keys to unlock them.

TOOLS- Intimacy. Sitting in places of devotion (temples, nature, altars). Being in silence. LISTENING. Calling on the Yellow Dragons who clean up the crown/head centers. Planting seeds for new beginnings. Developing, strengthening, and refining your community care. Respecting your lineage. Wearing royal colors. Deconditioning. Finding courage to be yourself, even in your closest relationship.


The Devotion of Kissing Auras.. when two energies come together, they create a third field that didn’t exist before their mating/meeting. These two auras, they exchange information, and through this intelligent collaboration- a portal opens.

The perfect sunset with the perfect person. The way the light hits your camera lens to create that tone. When two elements, even seemingly disconnected- weave their energy together: they create their own unique show. Without these two characters, without these two plot lines, without these two auras of energy- there would not be this third experience. Memories in time are only created with both of you there.

Individual threads can turn themselves into a tapestry of new visions when woven to each other. Individuals that sing together- can create melody not ever heard before.

What happens when two worlds join? When two perspectives meet? When the angle of your shared observation- reveals a new interpretation of life’s code?

Libra loves relationships. Venus loves loves. This alchemical laboratory of devotion, during a season of thinned veils and easy transition- allows for big updates to happen in the merging of shared stories. In the tale of one plus one- a new life emerges.. a new trajectory is born.. a third world is created from the union codes.

And this season, in particular- is going to be one for the books. Kissed by divine energy. Awakened by the Gd source living in another’s reflection. Remembering all the lifetimes, all the timelines, all the lived existence- through one moment of connection. Portals open when we meet up at the doorway. When you bring your key, and I bring my codes, and we each contribute to unlocking the energy together.

AI image. Author unknown

Look to your relationships for the messages from Gd. Look to the other for your divine reflections. Listen to what they’re showing you. There are empty shelves in your heart that only someone else can fill. And you are here to fill theirs too.

It’s time to feel divinely inspired by the people in your life.

They are not just your contacts, they are your soul contracts.

Lean into your people.. Fine tune the incredible balancing act it requires to be in relationship. Relating is why you are here

That person, no matter what the situation- it wasn’t an accident. That meeting wasn’t coincidence. That invitation wasn’t made up by some great trickster in the sky- (though we know the divine trickster plays a part in all games). They were summoned into your world, by YOU. Your soul had a reason, your karma was churning- WHY are/were they here?

Look into the 7th house of relationships in your birth chart and unravel the story.

Discover where Venus calls home in your personal blueprint.

Where is your Descendent line in astrology?

Look to the stars, and your relationship to them, to see more of who you are.

You have commitments to people this month. You’re making deals. Signing Ketubahs. Deciding to do something, as a team. You are keeping each other accountable. Honoring how much you influence each other every single day.

Commit to something with another person. As you each make this decision, as you each make this next move- do it in the shared aura of agreement. How you work with another energy (person or otherwise), is how you work with an aspect of your soul. Build each other up with new habits. Share in experiences that update your perceptions. Learn to see through each other’s eyes and ears. Use this as a power.

Approach your relational dynamic as a third entity. A third spirit. A third creation project that you came to earth to work on/work out in real time.

If you know that each step you take with someone else this month is flushing out some of your own karma, how will you approach your one to one interactions then? As this seed is planted, your awareness of the other and their impact will grow.

What does it mean, to you, to be in a devoted, committed, touching, intimate partnership with those in your life?

When two parents merge in the physical they can create a third energy- a child.

This child begins to tell a new story that involves both parties. In fact this child is completely, physically, and inherently connected to the two.. while also being its own third element.

This third energy is a strand of both individuals, a transmission of each line..

Two becoming three. Distinct ancestral ecosystems: merging into one body.

This is the story this month: you and someone or something else, creating a new story together. Your bond, your pact, your commitment- is expressing itself NOW.

Two distinct energies have united. A third reservoir of potential is now put in place.

The way you move your energy influences the world around you. Simultaneously, the way other’s move their energy- also influences you.

To emote, is to move your energy. The way you move energy- directly and significantly impacts the field of energy around you. This includes your people, and how they read/interpret and respond to being around you.

The way each of us was formulated into who we are now, is by watching the way that people around us worked with their energy. How they emotionally regulated and responded to energy through emotion. Emotions and tone of voice are very quickly transferrable. Beyond words. We didn’t know words as young children, but we could rapidly pick up on intonations, body language, and response levels that only come from being present as a kid.

Now that you are an adult- it’s time to speak to, and articulate this presence.

Talk to people about what you are feeling. This might be difficult at first; Formulating your feeling into words, but that vibrational alchemy is a tool that will be very helpful in all of your relationships moving forward.

The word Oracle means “to speak.” And their power was to speak to the energy of what we were all feeling. They would translate the emotional experience and give word and mantra and song to the process of being alive.

SO learn the art of speaking again. It is an important part of your mission.

Set intentions. Give yourself direction. Maintain a spiritual and psychic focus.


Read people’s faces, watch their voice, resound their body language.

Give feelings meaning.

This is something you know how to do at an elementary level.

Choose relationships, that feel safe, grounded, and correct for you who are now, in current time.

And not just in language or words.. not just how it looks on paper- but in the way they make you emote, sense, and experience life through your whole body when you are with them. Remember- people are PORTALS.


Final Messages for October;

Each person has their own unique path to walk. When you find someone whose path is paralleling yours- it is one of life’s most treasured gifts.

Your individual threads of destiny brought you together, and just like there was a world before your path’s aligned, there could also be another world where you two weave in opposite ways. Life will always take us in our own directions. So while you have the other person, while you walk beside each other, while they’re there-

What can you learn from them? What can you work on? What conversations can be had, information exchanged, updates given to support each other on the journey?

October is written and inscribed by your relationships. You will be receiving so much from them, through them, because of them.

Look into the eyes of people in your life. They will inspire you with a divine reason for being alive.