Standing Practice

3 Breathes/Pose

Inhale Nose | Exhale Nose




  1. Have I ever had any problems/ injuries/conditions/ in my root body?

    Legs (toes, feet, ankles, knees), tailbone, perineum, anus, large intestine, weight management (over or under weight), bowels, arthritis, teeth, bones)

  2. How are those areas of my body related to areas of my life?

    Take a few breaths.. see what comes up.

  3. What does my support system look like?

    Home, family, finances, partners, personal foundations

  4. What has my support system taught me?

  5. Writing Challenge: I love my body: A letter of acknowledgement.

    Write a letter to your body. It can be one particular body part that has caused you friction, or the entire body as a whole.

    (?) Ask: What has it taught me, how has this body shaped who I am, have I learned a new way to support myself because of my physicality?