The First Message

You want to unlock the truth of the universe?

Remember that it’s all, already; inside of you.

They say the goal of meditation is to empty your mind of thought. To be thoughtless.

But what is the reason for emptying? Is it to stay empty into eternity?

Or to fill yourself back up with something else? Something more authentic, that can only be found at the bottom of the well; buried underneath whatever everyone else poured in on top of it.

What one often finds at the bottom of emptiness; is that the nothingness is actually filled with all.

And as the all becomes your everything; you lose track of the separation between what is, and is not- you.

When everything is you, then you are in everything- and all is in communication with the you that is present to it all now.

The meditation practice often starts on the mat, in an attempt to quiet the mind and escape from the all.

But it is there that lives the gem: in your excavation! It is the digging for the treasure that you have come all this way for.

Because the boons are all around you, my friend.

You have the key that unlocks ever single door.

There is nothing more precious than digging so deep and getting so silent, that you hear the sound of your own soul.

Hearing your own voice; you remember all, and that the all that is really you.

Once you’ve found your energy, and pealed the veil off of anything and everything that isn’t you, it’s hard to stuff yourself back in the cage again. Spirit doesn’t like to be stuck in a box.

Here's the thing; yes there are traps and tricks and hooks in the matrix, but you have always been free to go.

You have always had the free will to say no.

There is simply just work that needs to be done in your own personal garden tending, before you understand that you have had the keys to get out all along; they have always just been buried deep inside of you.

That’s the ultimate set up, isn’t it? To make you forget who you really are… To set up this system of amnesia so you can’t remember the truth that you have the creator, and the creation of all of life itself; all living inside of you.

The only one who is creating the spirals of life you’re dancing through, is the divine orchestrator, curator, conductor that is a larger energetic imprint that is; YOU.

You’ve spun these tails, so you can be the one to unweave them.

And think about how much more clear you will be once you get to know all of your material so well.

This was written at 4:44 on 6/9, 2022.

There are codes everywhere.

The only way to know where to find them is to find yourself, and unlock the doors to the ancient future living within your own body, life, and authenticity.

The only way to truly know, is to play and create with the fabrics of universe weaving tapestries all around you.

You are a thread in the story of creation. You, living; is your ultimate mission.

We are each creating our own unique artistry, and it is our unique design that makes the great masterpiece.

Nothing separate, nothing distinct, and yet all purposeful, important and unique.

Do you know what your soul sounds like? Would you know if it was trying to communicate with you?

Listen, really listen. The whole universe is speaking. Your soul- knows the harmony. Sing with us.

The biggest trick, is the ma-trix; the ultimate illusion that you will find the answers everywhere else, but within your own body, your own inner knowing, roots, ancestry, and your own way of seeing and believing in the way the world works…. It is found WITHIN the matrix: that you will unlock the ultimate trick… the illusions keeping you from hearing, knowing, and feeling all of your own soul.

Many blessings on the journey always,


Welcome to the Weird & Wonderful

Fancy meeting you on this strange earth journey. Times have never been weirder, eh? At least we have each other..