The Messenger

Eliana from Hebrew “el/אֵל” = God + “'aná/עָנָה” = to answer). Eliana means “God has answered me.” It can also be translated as “my God is Yahweh” (a translation from the male name Elijah) and “sun”, “sunlight” and “sunshine” (from ancient Greek “hēlios/ἥλιος)

Full name: Eliana Nicole Miranda, Batzion Bat Yehudit, Bat Lev. The Hebrew translates to; daughter of Zion, daughter of the women of Judea/the women of prayer, daughter of lions.

This is shared with the intention that by you knowing the author’s true name, you can catch a glimpse into the soul of this piece of writing and where it is really coming from. Eliana is on a mission to resurrect the soul’s path and ancient lineage of light bringers, God messengers, daughters of prayer and lion hearted elders; and in that journey- she has been called forth again and again to talk about the importance of speaking our truth.

This article is an attempt at an authenticity mystery storytelling. An opportunity to be real, honest, and vulnerable about the oftentimes quieted thoughts that swim a story inside of the mind’s meditation. This transmission is a permission slip and cheer of encouragement to also go out into the world and share your own voice, lead with your own integrity, and be the authentic word of truth you feel inside of you.

It’s okay if you don’t make sense to everyone- because in most ways you won’t make complete sense to anyone at all. But if you are sharing who you are inside; it is because some parts of you needs to hear it, somewhere out there in the galaxy of space time continuums. When you are connected and sharing a message in support of all, then you are allowing some part of the all to connect with you. Each of us has a mission.

It’s up to you to find yours, and live your own authentic mystery.

Let’s begin:

Today I was told that the 3 tricks of the ma-trix that keep us in amnesia are mass, meaning, and mystery… and yet I will go on to explain how all three of these concepts have lead me this moment of sitting down to write these words to you. Take what you will, leave what doesn’t resonate. I am only the messenger… <3

One of the first massively meaningful experience with mystery that arises to share with you here, is from my childhood growing up in a conservative/borderline orthodox Jewish family home.

Now if I were to share this article with most of the parents, teachers, and Rabbis that shaped who I am in this present moment- they may think that my ability to tie all of these concepts together in the following pages is a false representation of God. However, what I am attempting to do here is actually reveal how the old religions may not have been telling us the whole story, and how there is a greater lens to look through and listen to.

In the following journal I will be sharing my own authentic mystery school, and the multiple dimensions of self that have showed up to help write this script. You will also have seen in the original newspaper articles that cannabis, microdosing mushrooms, carnelian crystal, lions, and other spiritual support systems all took part in this creation.

Let’s begin..

Each year at our Passover sedar (a dinner to celebrate the holiday when the Jews were liberated from their slavery in Egypt), my father would ask me to open the door for Elijah. In this symbolic opening of the doorway to spirit, we would also leave an offering for this enigmatic prophet (usually wine) as we awaited his arrival. The energy in the room always changed at this part of the dinner. I was both mystified and excited at the possibility of a spirit entering our home and marking the coming of Messiah returning to earth. I loved the ritual of it all. In fact, that was most what I loved about our Jewish traditions is that we ritualized the unseen realm and lit candles and sang our prayers for a concept and life form that we couldn’t see with our own two eyes. Something about that idea planted a seed, that would grow into a life of spiritual living.

Something to remember as you move forward in this reading is that life is so incredibly potent, magnificent, spiritually serious; AND it’s also all for the play of things.

So just remember that this is just as much serious as it is imaginative, and that’s exactly the way God like’s it ;)

The story continues..

When I was a young Eliana opening the door for Elijah, I could feel the energy change in the room when he entered. I felt connected to him... Like it was always my duty and responsibility to greet him at the door.

ELijah. ELiana.. I didn’t notice it then, but I look back now and see that there were messages everywhere. A mass of meaning that revealed codes to the mystery, and I’m hooked just as much as I’m illusioned by it. I can see it all in this moment of sharing with you.. The breadcrumbs. The guidance. Everywhere. Since the day I came into this world.

But it’s just so easy not to notice these things. And it’s even easier to forget them…

A few years ago I sat for a past life regression and met a version of myself who I have seen many times looking back at me in the mirror- especially on psychedelics. It was a man, that I was always confused by because I’m alive and well in a female body, and I love being a woman! (At least now I do), but for as long as I can remember- I have seen a dark skinned, dark haired, middle eastern man that was also experiencing life through Eliana’s eyes. His name, I discovered in this session, is Elijah.

Now, if you have forgotten by now- which I’m sure you have because we are living in a realm that tells us to forget what is truth and remember what keeps us imprisoned in our own mind matrix- we forget things on this planet pretty easily.

Side note- the thing about the amnesia matrix, is that no matter what; once you see something it can’t be unseen. It can’t be unfelt. Once there is a lived experience, even if the timelines are healed and everything goes back to the illusion of “normal”; there is always an echo! There is always an imprint. Even if we’ve been told to forget- there is always a memory where there was once meaning. Even if the meaning feels mysterious. It’s a mass that grows each time more meaning is attributed to it through this lifetime. Our mission is to keep refocusing ourself on what matters. That’s why there are bread crumbs. That’s why there are clues everywhere. In this lifetime- we wanted to remember.

SO because we are in a realm of forgetting, I; at this point on my journey of being Eliana had long surpassed the memories of greeting Elijah at my childhood family dinners. It was a distant memory.. I had moved far beyond Judaism, and I was ready to connect with my PAST LIVES & SPIRIT GUIDES! (Insert very excited spiritual ascension newby who had forgotten that she already has connected with these beings her entire life, but now she just wants to put more meaning, labels and titles on them.)

But no matter how much I forgot, no matter how much I searched for the soul, the self, in different areas of life.. the original message… the origin stories, always found their way through.

I share this because; Elijah is helping me write this story. Elijah, Eliana, El- God.. we are all here in this weaving of words.

If you follow my work you may have seen that I encourage people to look up the meaning of their name to better understand their soul’s origin story. It’s one clue we are given at birth, before we can consciously choose for ourselves- our name giving. I believe this is where we start to receive our source codes.. where our own personal origin story begins.

Eliana meaning God has answered me, in my soul research tells me that I am on a mission for a message.

To receive it. To Deliver it. To Be a Keeper of it.

To say things from many different perspectives so that I can hold a greater ability to hear and re-tell the story from many different languages and ways of understanding.

At least that is the mass-ive meaning that I am giving to this mystery of my life. Which I guess is part of the amnesia trap, at least thats what the aliens tell me. ;)

I, personally- am just enjoying the play.

I hope that we can in joy these words together, as a connection to our own sources of creation, and reconnection to the one great creator of us all.

In love always,



You be the judge-

Can you see Elijah- the spirit of a past life who who likes to show himself when I’m in my most natural element; lounging at home, in nature, or high on psychedelics? :) :) :)