The Second Message
/Our reasons for connecting and partnering with other people in relationships is multidimensional. There are soul contracts, energetic agreements, and karma weaving and unweaving its artistry.
On a very human, animalistic level: our bodies need each other to co-regulate. Our energetic field is similar to a collective nervous system; in that it learns and grows by collaborating with other sources of energy. The way our body’s understand what is “real” and present in any given situation is by feeling into the body’s of energy around it. It’s why we gravitate towards objects that are comforting to us as children, like binkies and blankies; and things that were imprinted by our mothers as energetic sources of safety in cohabitation.
Our body’s are always harmonizing with the bodies around us; whether they be animal bodies, spiritual bodies, or another person.
We are hardwired to work together; just like a tree whose roots are buried into the lineage and ancestry of all other trees before it and beside it.
One tree is all trees, because all are connected to the same source.
Being in deep relation with another healthy bodied being, can be one of the most regulating mechanisms to our nervous systems.
One of the rules of energy is that it is always seeking to eternalize itself. IE- it finds the paths of least resistance so that it can continue living and flowing.
That is why changing deeply wired habitual patterns and behaviors is hard- because you not only have to create new grooves in your psyche, but also encourage the energy to flow in an unhabituated direction.
Just like our own habits influence the world around us, other people and beings that we spend time with and exchange a lot of energy with, will start to inform our aura, just as our body and field will start to inform theirs.
Both Auras, with enough exchange, start to work together consciously to inform each other and share information. This is so that each energy body can establish its safest and most effortless eternalization.
So we can use this awareness to start transforming ourself, and the world around us from the inside out.
For example, if you are looking to build strength, whether that’s emotionally, physically energetically, etc..- having a healthy, well, and able bodied partner or animal can support your own health and being. Just as strength training and developing a new practice like running- may also in turn give strength to situations you are experiencing and people you are experiencing them with.
At the same time, your pet or partner is agreeing (either consciously or on a soul level, always both) to supporting you in building your strength.
Sometimes it means that the co-regulator will have to do more work, per say; to transfer the strength to their counterpart. This can look many different ways. Like how El in Stranger Things gives her power to protect her friends, and it inevitably drains her. Sometimes giving others strength, means revealing your own weaknesses.
This is just an example though. Let’s say you are looking to build more wealth and obtain more resources, so maybe you find a partner who amplifies those qualities in their life. When you learn to co-regulate with a field that holds a greater energetic source- often your energy field can learn how to work with that much more energy in your own capacity.
The same thing if you are looking to clear your energy field of what isn’t serving- become a nomad and stripping away to the bear essentials, while co-regulating your nervous system with a backpacking group, doing the same- is an effective way to inform your energy body of a new way of flowing.
Now, I feel like it needs to be said that what I’m talking about here is a harmonious, co-regulation of energy. Energy is seeking eternalization, so if there is disease, abuse, trauma, pain- any disruptions of a healthy system- then the fields may sync up in ways that don’t feel right; either ever, or anymore.
Maybe you’re asking then, “so what is a harmonious relationship that supports my energy flow?”
Think about a relationship that isn’t shadowed by the ego’s identity with it. Bring to mind your favorite pet, plant, crystal, friend, or even a child..( since they are still so young and egoless that they often create harmony just by being there.) Ask yourself these questions…
What is it about caring for that body, feeding that body, feeling holding or petting that body, simply being around that body- do for your nervous system? How is it supporting you right now to feel more able to be in your body? Does it, do they make you feel better just by being around them? Do they feel happier by being around you? That is a harmonious co-regulation of your energy field.
This is why all of us being together, and connecting and sharing our stories, voice, presence, magical insights and ability to see and feel what each other feels for brief special moments in time is important medicine right now.
When energy is not working together towards a common goal, we see things like rips, tears, leaks, blocks, and discrepancies in the field. You’ll notice that you, and/or things around you will start to lose energy. When there is constant stress on a channel, eventually the flow will be disrupted; resulting in a chronic loss of energy in some part of the system.
Energy seeks eternalization.
No matter how much you continue to fill yourself back up, if there is something in your body, or in relationship to another body that is dis-regulating your field, something will always feel kind of “off.”
At this point, I think many people would start to scan the relationships in their life- checking which ones are healthy energy regulations and which ones are causing disharmony. Scanning can be considered both a trauma response and an energetic superpower depending on how you use it. However you learned it, know that being able to read the energy of your field is a tool and you can use it for good. For this conversation though, let’s put aside any part of you that wants to give responsibility; and hence- energy, away to any body else.
This transmission isn’t being dropped into your lap just to encourage a blame game.
This is call for you to start taking responsibility for the reality you’ve created. This is for you to start making positive change by becoming more harmonic in your own being and the beings around you.
The truth is that every single one of us needs each other. We can not do this life thing alone.
We are hardwired not too.
We need to bounce our ideas off of each other, and have other hands to help us create our dreams and build our vision of the future. As humans we are small in stature, but mighty in numbers when we are working together towards a common goal. Channeling all of our energy into one co-created project.
This is how we eternalize, this is how we grow.
The one constant is evolution.
The one constant is consciousness evolving.
The one thing we know to be absolutely true is that life keeps existing in some new and ever changing way.
So do your due diligence to keep the energy flowing.
Not sexually, but energetically.
Intentionally. By being together and working together, and supporting each other to be better humans imprinting on the future.
We are supporting the fields just by being in harmony with each other.
Think about what the world would look like…
If we had more space for sacred circles. If we we treated each other more like sister and brother and started with compassion and connection rather than hate and fear.
If healing, and hands on medicinal touch, became more personal and ceremonial, instead of sterile and patriarchal. How safer could we feel in our bodies if we localized healing structures?
If soul family and friendship could be held to higher esteem, and honored as the chosen families we came to earth to do this work with.
If honoring our lineage and bloodlines and doing the work to liberate ancestral trauma and heal paternal lines of guilt and maternal lines of energetic wilt was mainstream narrative.
If honoring our bodies and softening our hearts were just as vital to systems as paying our taxes
If the weird and woo were listened to for new ideas that could make things better, rather than vilified for seeing things differently.
It’s quite common for disruptions and frustrations to cause your own field to feel out of disorder. This world is a mess of chaos and unfathomable but undeniable method to the madness and mayhem.
That’s why it’s important to do your own energetic clearing and curating practices. To know who you are in a world that wants you to forget it.
How interesting is it to be awake in a matrix designed to give you amnesia?
To remember the sound of a memory from the you before you forgot everything.
Energy is always speaking and advocating for itself to continue living. Life will always justify why it deserves to be alive, just as you would fight for your own life if the time came.
If you are wondering how, why, where, or how to keep the energy flowing, start by deciphering the messages around you now.
Look to your people. Who and what are you co-regulating with? What type of pets, people, partners, pets, projects are you naturally drawn to surround yourself with and learn from.
What is your soul trying to unlock here based on what you’re already doing?
They say we find partners that look like we do, or sometimes look like parent or past partners…Where are you seeking harmony? What is your reality reflecting back to you?
One of the ways we naturally co-regulate with another energy is by placing our hand or directing our hand chakra energy towards another energy body. That’s one way our body scans energy is by reaching out, touching, feeling, molding and sensing the energy of another with our hands. The hands communicate in a way that the voice can not. The hands have their own sign language, and many lineages of mudras and different hand gestures that send or symbolize a message, code or word.
The hands speak in a different dimension of conversation.
Your hands are the portals/main channels/extensions of you heart chakra and are always working and rearranging energy to be in most harmony for your body’s forward movement.
There will be a whole thread directly speaking about Stranger Things, but Vecna is a perfect example of the way the heart chakra works; you have many hands available to you on an energetic level that extend from the heart.
The shadow side, which is what is often highlighted in the distortion (because we love the drama), is that other people also have many armed heart chakras, and almost everyone is unconscious of it. Due to our current reality and circumstances, there are a lot of ways that these energy arms have developed unhealthy attachments to energy sources that are not their own. These chords are from this lifetime, other lifetimes, some are conscious and actively channeling energy to and with us and others are dormant and just haven’t been cleaned up yet.
If you start to worry about attachments, and entities on you… pause, breathe: there is no need!
This is all part of the learning experience!
We are just rocks tumbling through the galaxy observing, witnessing, and changing as we grow.
Of course, now I am attaching meaning; which we learned in the first transmission is one of the tricks, but breaking the rules is part of the fun.
I’m doing this my way. With my voice. My vision. I know that many won’t make it even this far in the message, and that’s okay.
Because this is only meant for a few.
What they don’t show in such graphic detail on Stranger Things, is the super power of the heart chakra.
The many arms, and many hands are depicted in Gods and Goddesses from ancient cultures from all around the earth; dancing the universe into creation.
On a spiritual level, we are many bodied beings. On a human level we are one great being in many unique individual bodies.
In the multidimensional energy, there are many hands weaving the world together.
We are both a simple string and important thread.
Learn to dance with every part of you.
Hold your mudras. Light your house. Unplug from mainstream fear.
So this is the second message. Co-regulate & harmonize.
Work on your field first. Tend to your own garden. Bring the beats that you want to bump in the lands of eden.
Share and in- joy where you have the abundance.
The energy wants to eternalize!
Where do you want to direct the energy that you have, right here right now: towards the future generations that come after you?
Do you want to build them a well, healthy world to co-regulate with their friends and future families in?
Create the peace you seek.
This is your invitation.
Find your path, your purpose, and your people.
Each of them holds a little piece to the puzzle of the equation you are deciphering the meaning for right now.
If you found a sacred key you might think you have to travel far to unlock the key code, but as we’re learning in this wild living library of experience- the answer is always going to be right under your nose.
And usually right where you left it.
The only way to find the next steps is to look deep inside.
Where is it that you think your soul was going?
How many of these journeys have you been on before?
Like a time jumper through history you’ve sailed the psychic seas of this human mystery.
Let the journey itself be the thing that unlocks you.
Have fun co-regulating with your beings and thank them for all the gifts, guilty pleasures, and guidance that they offer you. There is so much magic waiting to be found in your being with others.
Enjoy your people. Enjoy your plants and pets. Enjoy the the mothership. Enjoy the ride.
Much love always,
There is support everywhere
Be open to what is right in front of you. Hiding in the moss is a green, cloaked monk waiting for you to see him. You don’t have to look far for the gurus in the 21st century, called the “Age of Knowing.” They are in the mirror, in the ground, in a friend, in the shell of an ocean wave. This is the art of listening for the messages.