December- Saying Goodbye


Greetings Weaver 📰


December Energy Reading;

THEME: Saying Goodbye

Mourner’s Rights

Grief as Guidance

Stones & Crystals

The eternal child within you sings, and cries, and laughs, and dances, and screams and shakes your very ground. Death feels foreign to a birth that is so new, and yet? Here you are. Standing at the graves of what once was. Cackling at the madness of everything you thought you know you were.

Burying stones into the earth as grave sites for all the lineage that lives within.

In December- Leave petals at the thresholds of your new adventures.

Create ceremony to move through grief. Yours and the collectives.

Become newborn. Find yourself like child, once again.

Life becomes the play you make of it.

Seedlings of your imagination sprout up with offerings from the water of tears.

When death impacts the innocence, what is left there? No stone goes unturned.

Let sacrifice initiate you.

All that’s left is the conversation now; between, you and Gd.

Tools: Commune With the crystal allies. Find your favorite stone, put it in your pocket; travel together. Make friends with the density of nature. Sit upon rocks, watch the rivers of reality go by. Bury what is ready to die. Honor. Celebrate. Create Ceremony & Ritual that honor the endings. Complete the contracts. Say goodbye to 2024. Sit still and listen, empty. Allow the Divine to fill you. 

December * Sagittarius * Jupiter

Expansion. Endings are expansive. A new adventure, a journey. A commitment between you and that which is transforming.

This month is a ceremony of completion. Out the door of your comforts, you have entered into a new timeline: shaken open completely by the constructs of something leaving your life.

The end of our calendar year- 2024 comes to a close. A new story begins.

Jupiter and Sag? Fly through their own constructs of time. They make their own rules. They build their own calendars. They create their own luck. To them, all of life is an adventure. All of life is an experience to get to know a little bit more about who you are. This energy doesn’t follow rules, it makes its own. Be like Centaur.

Sagittarius points directly to the new celestial future. It is focused on possibilities, it is designed for expansion, it is destined- and divining destiny.

So while we’re here talking about the endings, the death, the end of one time and the beginning of another.. may we know; this was always a part of the plan. This is an intricate part of the process. Letting go means change, and change means new beginnings. Release, to reveal- an entirely new dimension of choice await you.

This isn’t to make light of endings. Death is dark. Completions are dense. Grief is devoted to feeling. Mystery doesn’t need you to try and make it pretty.

The spirits at the end of things are okay being the veiled ones.

They signed up to walk with those who were saying goodbye.

These monthly energy reports were a commitment I made in December of 2023. An opportunity to bring you into the folds of a divination process I’ve been doing for several years. I knew it would be such a powerful guide for us to stay focused and attuned to the spiritual energies at play as we moved through each month together.

I also knew that this set of newsletters was created solely for 2024, and that at the end of this year it would need to be composted and recreated into something new.

We had a contract. You, me, and the Medicine Monthly Newsletter- and that contract ends here in December. We all signed up to be here. And now we all get to be a part of this ceremony of release, ritual, and rebirth on the other side.

This isn’t to make light of death. Death is dark. Death is dense. Death is devoted to feeling. Death doesn’t need you to try and make it pretty.

Death is okay being the veiled one.

Death signed up to walk with those who were saying goodbye.

These monthly energy reports were a commitment I made in December of 2023. An opportunity to bring you into the folds of a divination process I’ve been doing for several years. I knew it would be such a powerful guide for us to stay focused and attuned to the spiritual energies at play as we moved through each month.

I also knew that this set of newsletters was created solely for 2024, and that at the end of the year it would need to be composted and recreated into something new.

We had a contract. You, me, and the Medicine Monthly Newsletter- and that contract ends here in December. We all signed up to be here. And now we all get to be a part of this ceremony of release, ritual, and rebirth.

This month, I lay the stones down with you.

In my family, we don’t place flowers on the graves of our loved ones-

instead we turn to the density, heaviness, and eternal nature of rocks, crystals, and stones. In this way, we ritualize their return to the densities of Earth. We give weight and longevity to the journey of complete integration.

This is the energy of this month. It’s recognizing that your life is an offering to something bigger. That your commitments, your creations, your worlds that you build- that they are eternal in many ways. They are for something older, something future, something that lives long after you’ve gone.

Like a rock, like a stone- you live on.

So how are you feeling as 2024 comes to a close?

How does it feel to have tuned into this particular “news” letter of spiritually guided divination? How did it change your month following? (or however long you’ve been here?)

My goal with these readings was to invite you into a more potent relationship with your unseen allies. To encourage you to remember your power to be a change in this world, and through your seeing and weaving- cast a spell.

This month- allow the tears of remembrance to wash over you. You are made of the living waters of this planet. Yes you are an earth being, yes you are born for dry land, but within you lives a well of liquid! These watery substances vibrate a frequency.. they connect you to something ancient.

Submerge into the depths of your feelings. Take note of signs and synchronicities that are guiding you now.

If you are in relationship with your ancestors, your allies, your spiritual team- you won’t be caught off guard. You will always be perfectly prepared- even if not consciously; definitely somatically, psychically, and energetically. 

So build relations. Listen to them.

Trust yourself as seer. Trust in the unseen wisdom.

Those who have transformed- they speak in different ways, communicate in multi-sensory language, and meet you in multi-dimensional experiences.

Focus and narrow your channel.

Close the door on anything that is not organic or connected to your ancestral tongue. Bury the key. Let go. Give to Gd. 

You have everything you need inside of you. And if you don’t? Look to the earth, turn over the rocks, build an altar with its energy. Rest into infinite devotion. Life is a labyrinth and you are walking ever more consciously towards its sacred center. This is the closing. Give it your ceremony.

Final Messages for December

It is okay to say goodbye. It is okay that things, people, creations, newsletters threads- die. It is okay to let things go. You will be in the right place, at the right time; always, for life to unfold. This is a natural part of the way you flow. 

Reminder that on the 19th of this month- we will be gathering for a closing ceremony for 2024. In this time together, we’ll look back over the guidance of this last year and decipher it’s codes . This will be your time to integrate, co-create, and say your thanks to the divine templates of this year.

Sneak peak are coming into the magic of 2025. Both in this class and in other offerings trickling in over December- receive the vision for where 2025 is guiding us. Deeper community collaboration is growing from within us.