Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
/This piece wasn’t going to be complete until I saw the movie; Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.
Firstly, that movie is very moving and the closest thing to ever depict many of my lived psychedelic experiences…
For example- I’ve seen many different lifetimes of my friends and loved ones painted on their faces as we frolicked through deserts and forests on a concotion of lsd and ecstasy and whatever else the festival delivered to our playshop.
For those of you who believe that taking psychedelics makes all of this “only” a hallucination then… I’ve also experienced this completely sober as my own psychic sensitivities have refined (and you can too!)
In many of my dreams even- I’m searching through people’s different lifetimes; trying to find the right version of them for me to share or receive an important message from.
I’ve also been attuned to the Akashic Records and found an entire library that lives in another dimensions, storing people’s past, present, and future lives which can all be accessed in the here, now present moment.
The more I’ve sat for past life regressions, read books about hypnotherapy, and listened to real lived experiences from friends, teachers, and people I really trust; the more I know for certain- we know nothing.
There is more and more to be experienced in the infinite galaxy than we could ever possibly imagine, and like the movie ‘Everything’ reminds us: everything is always found inside of us.
One of the things I always tell those curious about their past lives or parallel dimensions of themself is to never forget that no matter what is happening out there- the entire universe of you; has asked you to be right where you’re already at, currently. Here and now.
Each new Akash that you pull from your soul’s lived experience; is all just an echo.
Any answer you’re looking for in another lifetime, is a story you are already telling yourself.
Sometimes it’s just nice to see and hear it from a different eye of your soul.
Okay. there is so much symbolism and information that we can unravel from the movie Everything, Everywhere…But I’ll try and keep it relevant to what we’ve already been discussing in this thread.
The main character is the first place we need to start; Evelyn. Interesting, that we have a character whose name sounds so similar to Eleven.
I decided to look into other threads of “El” which I shared in another article means “God” in Hebrew.
In the Atom Project, Ellie is Adams mother. In the Wheel of Time there is a character in the future named Elayne who is a channeler and “protector of the people.” I share this only to remind you, the reader, and me the writer; there there is more to this story than what can be conveyed in words.
In Judaism, the word for God is not able to be pronounced technically, because it is beyond words. Just as none of these words can encompass the true mass of this mystery we are unravelling together. And as much as we try to attribute meaning; there will always be nuances that make all of these theories, probabilities, but maybe not certainties.
In the movie ‘Everything’ we have another tale of a women breaking open space and time and revealing a different dimension. There are also similar stories here of the mother and daughter, and both needing to connect with the source of things that matter to find meaning in the mystery.
This move was a good closing to the prior chapters of this journal because it paints an even nicer conclusion.
We see the result of a life without meaning, without enough connection, without an appreciation for the mystery.
It points to the nothing and the emptiness like a black hole everything bagel that sucks up the whole play of life itself.
Or the alternative, we learn, is to just be present and grateful and kind to the world we already have.
As simple as it is, as innocent as it may seem, the saga always ends when the chosen ones have figured out that all their answers are right in front of them.
The whole world actually is our oyster, and there is nothing else that we need other than our family, our friends, and our connection to source.
In this movie Evelyn is in constant conquest and combat with her nemesis; Jobu Tobaki the distortion of Joy. This was a symbol of the darkness looming over Evelyn’s life like an anxiety attack waiting to happen. The whole movie broke open because of her one fault, which created a fractal in one of her timelines- her own challenge with finding, loving, appreciating and seeing the “JOY” in that she had created in her life.
The messenger is always speaking and in this movie it is so beautifully said.
We spend our lives searching and seeking happiness. We look for it in our jobs, we attempt to create it in our children, we search for meaning and magnitude in the times when we have felt joyful and fulfilled. We attribute all we do in life to cultivating and creating more happiness.
But in all walks of life. In any other timeline, dimension, or fractal of our being- we have chosen this life to be aware of right now.
In the end, like Evelyn, we are always going to be fighting for our own creations. For our own joy. For our own peace. She fights with kindness, intention, and integrity. She gifts a man healing in his spine, and smell of an ancestor to another. She turns guns into balloons, and connects a fellow employee to his animal guide. She showed people love and learned to fight like her masculine counterpart did. She let love be the greatest weapon she had. She left love at the alter of life, itself.
All she had to say was, “I love you,” and really mean it. It was that simple.
And it was because she was so simple and normal and unexciting that she could be the one to really do it.
She was the chosen on because she hadn’t accomplished anything, and that was her anomaly… that was her power. She could be the all, because she didn’t identify with one thing, so she could identify with everything.
In that, she could finally see what her daughter, her offspring, her creation was trying to show her- that she could be both everything, and nothing. That she could choose to recognize what she did have, or succumb to the bagel of nothingness.
I believe that this is the message and trap of meaning.
Meaning and purpose create a timeline. Her invention, just like in The Adam Project, is what eventually caused this breaking of worlds and new story of good and evil. A woman, creating a technology to access the different fabrics and folds of our interstellar dimension, is inevitably what leads some fractal of her from the future to screw things up.
In ‘Everything', it is now up to the main character and her new psychic opening, to put it all back together again.
Something I loved, as all of the movies prior, was that it was her gentle but fierce male counterpart (ya know, the badass dad who whipped people’s asses with his fanny pack?) who showed her the truth and kept her in balance. It points to the old masculine conscious of her father, and her own fears of revealing her sexual identity to that part of herself. She was was afraid to admit just how much she had done differently than her ancestors, rather than honoring, loving, and in-joying that it was because of the innovative expression of herself, that made her and her legacy so magnificent.
This story encourages us to own our uniqueness, and cherish how we are meant to be a different person than the generations before us. It shows us that we are supposed to own our variations and version of survival of the fittest, so that we have a future where all beings thrive as one!
This film was also important in its revelation of our newly found psychic openings that are happening and will continue to happen as we accelerate as a species.
Some will be able to handle these new energies easier than others. Not because they are better than anyone else, but simply because they have practicing and working with these new abilities for longer.
They will act as the teachers, way-showers, and guides for others who are having a hard time integrating.
Some are also born with a greater capacity and strength to work with these powers. It is part of their dna, and they have been built and born to hold space for this new century.
We will all have our own learning to do around integration, and have our own stories to tell and medicines to share with others.
We each have an important purpose and part in the plan.
As Evelyn’s reality wakes up around her to affirm and change the stakes, you will also find the people and beings around you starting to share information and intelligence as if they were channeling something completely foreign, yet familiar. Amnesia experiences will be common as we hop through different timelines and dimensions of ourselves: looking for the right version and embodiment for the job. Remembering that each counterpart is working perfectly together to create an epic and beautiful saga.
Life is just as real as it is entertaining.
If we remember that we are always directing, acting in and watching (if we’re lucky) the play of life happening all around us, and to not attach to the mass, meaning or mystery of the performance or outcome; we will be free to just enjoy.. in- JOY the movie we just finally sat down to watch play out.
What I’m realizing about mass, is that it’s not about the length, weight, or heaviness of the experience. It may be the quickest and shortest tick tok video you’ve ever seen- that ends up impacting and changing the world through consciousness.
Just like a life might seem cut too short, or gone too soon.. it is not about the mass of a lifetime- it is about the story of it. So many whose lives ended early, have more impactful stories than those who had a whole 100 years to tell theirs.
We also have to move forward without attaching meaning to the story… because we all have our own meaning; it is subjective to the person and perspective. What means something deeply powerful to us, may not even flick on the radar of the person next to us. Even if that person has been walking closely for an entire lifetime. So it’s also important not to judge, look for, or attribute our own meaning to the performance we are watching.
We may experience it and interpret it, but it is not the point to get hooked to the meaning, because the meaning will be different for us all.
So then is it the mystery of the experience, then? Is that what we should be paying attention to?
If there is mystery then there is always a search for meaning somewhere. Always a certainty that there is some mass-ive answer out there waiting somewhere in the universe.
Mystery doesn’t attend the party without meaning, or its purpose would be pointless.
What’s the point of a question if actually no one knows the answer? Then you are all just spinning around senseless (sound familiar?). Mystery is the game that keeps people guessing, waiting and thinking that something outside of them is going to finally unlock the codes hidden within.
So the mystery, is also not important for what you are going to experience moving forward.
Don’t seek for more, simply just receive the transmission of your universe.
Don’t look for anything that isn’t already there.
Unravel yourself from any beliefs that say someone else knows something that you don’t already know inside of you.
There is a movement coming that will shatter the confines of our known universe, and we will experience it, as a world wide phenomena.
I picture it like a mother ship flying through space and we are all looking out the windows of earth together at what is to come. Each in our own little concubines and homesteads, while flying through the cosmos on a mother planet towards our next generation.
She will deliver us.
As it is her birthright, just as much as it is ours.
And some time in the far distant future, we will all have to acknowledge the grief of our disconnection from the one who carried us, to the one who will deliver us into the next life.
No matter what- she will need all of our help.
This next ascension of earth’s consciousness will require all of our support to birth her offspring.
As we open up psychically through these next generations and incarnations we will need to be conscious and mindful what we allow to flow through us.
We can agree, from the film saga’s that the dragon already broke the world once.
El and One already had the conflict that opened up the upside down world.
They already went back in time in The Adam Project and screwed up the future for all.
Evelyn already did what she did to her daughter that caused her to feel so much pain, emptiness and sorrow for her future.
Whatever it is that happened to us- it already happened! Now it is the time to put it back together.
WE are the dragon reborn.
We are Eleven.
We are Evelyn, and Adam, Adam and Eve.
We are El, We are God. And we are also the friends, family, and support for the main character.
It doesn’t matter what role you play, we each have our own role to play.
AND it is so important to remember that above all else- you are the one sitting in the theater, front and center, in-joying this whole performance.
If you are not having fun, learning, growing, and inspiring yourself with what you see?
Then change your perspective.
Get a little freaky in the costume department.
Tell the director to get out of your chair and do something better with the main character.
In fact, spend a day in the janitors closet, cleaning up after everybody at the end of the day- and then see what role you like playing.
We are witnessing one of the greatest shows this world has ever seen. And in many ways we are the lucky ones because we are in the story! And we should also be entertained.
I believe that if there is a reason for everything, then there is a reason we are on a beautiful green rock floating through space and time having a human experience that more often then not; puts me on my couch watching shows like Stranger Things, and MTV’s The Challenge. (oof, did I discredit myself there?)
If we are meant to be entertained and maintained in a certain frame of mind, then I have to believe that this is that time in the game.
This is where we pause, wait, learn, and absorb information until we are invited to go out and see the new world we’ve landed upon.
The universe is pointing me towards microdosing mushrooms while meditating on a lifetime where I studied martial arts and trained warriors as my practice, while watching movies like ‘Everything’ (and everything magic and superhero) where the characters emanate and show these movements in an artistic and creative way.
We are collectively resourcing from all of our different timelines, past/present/future lifetimes, versions, dimensions and densities of ourselves; looking for the one thread that weaves them all together.
You may or may not experience this directly, and oftentimes you won’t because the mind has a hard time calculating and interpreting this complex information through.
That is why in the end of ‘Everything’ Evelyn is the only one who holds the portals to the dimensions.
Eve is chosen for the Garden of Eden is hers to claim. Only a few have the ability to hold the One power.
And like they said in the movie, those beings will be balanced by others who keep them light, gentle, and kind to others. Those who respond with ease in the face of adversity.
We have all been set up perfectly to have the most epic time together.
The greatest audition in human history, and you were cast to play an earth star!
Don’t take this time for granted and also lavish, revel, and in-joy the time that you do have here on this rock.
There are incarnation were you are only a pebble of sand, with nothing else around you but a distant peace of silence and emptiness.
But your soul chose to be here right now for this messy, loud, chaotic and also wonderful time.
Focus on what you have to be grateful for. Look at all of the wins you have already won all around you.
Find your blessings and bless yourself with them every day.
You are everything, everywhere, all at once, all around you.
Life is precious. See the joy in your creation. Love, as they say; is the only way.
“Every new discovery is just a reminder… we’re all small and stupid.”
"I Wasn't Looking For You So I Could Kill You. I Was Just Looking For Someone Who Could See What I See, Feel What I Feel."
"Every Rejection, Every Disappointment Has Led You Here To This Moment"
"Of All The Places I Could Be, I Just Want To Be Here With You."
"When I Choose To See The Good Side Of Things, I'm Not Being Naive. It Is Strategic And Necessary. It's How I Learned To Survive Through Everything."
Everything Everywhere All At Once <3
Thank you for being,
You are Chosen
El, All, Friend. You are the one who fulfills all of your lifetimes. One tree is all trees- you are a perfect player in the game of creation. Be here now, stand strong in what you believe. The world is waiting to hear you roar.