The Fourth Message & Closing
/If you have taken the journey all the way to this moment, this word, in this space and time:
consider yourself upgraded to a new level of awareness. You’ve seen through a new lens and taken in a new perspective. A look through kaleidoscope eyes into a different dimension.
I hope that this flex of a conversation is stirring more questions, curiosities, and inquisitions.
This is an invitation to explore these truths, woven in the fabric of the universe, for yourself.
You already know that mass, meaning, and mystery are the trick of the trade.
So can you use these inside secrets to unlock the codes of something more?
Who knows, maybe it is the amnesia that keeps us spinning these stories… trying to find a way out of this culture of memory loss; coveted in devotion to capitalism.
I however choose to believe that there is something bigger than the illusions I was born into, because I feel the echos of other times I’ve woken up and seen it with my own eyes.
All I, you, we can do; is be the best version of ourselves that we can be, and build communities and safe havens for our little people to not just survive, but thrive in their earth palace.
Where all beings are resourced. A world where everyone can be themselves.
I think one of the most powerful messages in Stranger Things, and Wheel of Time, and all of the other super hero phenomena that reveal different layers of reality, is that; they all point to a coming together of all different characters, with all their own energies, working with each other to put the world back together again.
As El progresses throughout each season, the bonds between the female characters grow, just as much as the relationships between the masculine and feminine.
It is essential that in every relationship with self and other, we are honoring the multidimensionality of each human being.
It is a normal human experience to question the human experiment.
The energy, right now, is asking each and everyone of us to reveal our unique super power, take responsibility for the crucial role we each play, and finish the game.
This is the challenge, and it is challenging; yes, but it is also very rewarding.
This isn’t the time to save anybody, or convince anyone that they aren’t seeing correctly.
This is the time to get sovereign in your own feeling and field of knowing. To be clear about who you are, and what you believe, first and foremost; before all else.
Time, tick tock, the clock; it’s all about getting on your own frequency. About holding the timeline that is most in tune with your energy, your cosmology, your flow.
As the bond strengthens between the masculine and feminine kundalini energies and the intelligence grows in our world- we will all begin to see.
Now this isn’t propaganda for a new earth or 5d ascension.
When you do not consent to artificial timelines and outsourced illusions, you see that even the spiritual realms have their traps..
Your work isn’t going to happen anywhere else then right where you are right here right now, on the land that you have been summoned to.
Stop waiting for aliens to come, or the great grand flash to change everything in your life.
If you are here reading this right now, it can confidently be said that you are the alien coming to save your soul. YOU are the one.
If you have been on this path for a while you know the extra dimensional beings are already making contact if you are an energetic match to hear, see, and receive them.
If you' are waiting for some big “event” to happen outside of you- I can say from experience that it will definitely be personal, before it will be felt collectively.
Now that’s not to say this is true for everyone, but I do believe it is true for you.
You wouldn’t be here, a match for this message, if you weren’t awakened on some level to humanity’s ascension story.
It’s like being in the inner circle, the Dusty’s, El’s, Max’s and Nancy’s, who know what’s happening while the rest of Hawkins, Indiana is asleep to the monsters and demons attacking in the night.
Hollywood loves the doom and gloom, so always their shows and ways of entertaining and training us, will be towards an illusion of darkness and the “end.”
It is the personal belief of this author though, that the darkness isn’t something separate from us. And it isn’t something to be feared and destroyed all together. In fact, distancing ourselves from it and demonizing it, is actually what made it so powerful to begin with.
When the darkness is portrayed it is often distorted towards suffocating and demonizing the feminine. It’s funny how the propoganda is to reveal all that is sexy, wild, and free- as somehow bad and destroying to all things. Nancy stuck inside the kingdom of Vecna for the first part of the season finale is so resonant to the story of Persephone and her descent into the underworld.
She was a wild young maiden who was taken by the king of the underworld in Greek mythology and held captive in the underworld until her mother tore the world apart trying to find her.
She is a symbol of how the feminine energy on this planet was taken into the darkness and made to show, in full potency, what the full force of the motherline could do.
In history classes we learned that villages throughout time were raped and communities pillaged. The more powerful men were: the more the warriors, savages and crazed men took the sacred homes, women, and children of those they deemed weaker.
”Survival of the fittest,” they say. And of course it’s true, but it’s only part of the truth.
That’s how they like to keep it in this earth training entertaining politicking son of a matrix.
However the full story, is the one that hasn’t been told for ages; and it is this- though a powerful man may stronger then some, he is certainly not stranger than the many.
Nothing is stronger than the all standing together. Especially when the all are also remembering and actively connecting to the energy of all that is around them: acting and working together as one.
There are codes everywhere, and you can see them if you believe in them.
Especially if you honor the lineage of your ancestry, your soul, and you take a lion hearted leap into the unknown to claim your calling and legacy.
This world is going to need leaders, especially as more things shatter and fault all around around us.
It is in the unravelling, when all hope seems lost- that together we are able to put the world back together.
Manifest a timeline for yourself and all to be at peace and in harmony with the greater good.
Follow the breadcrumbs of your soul song and listen to the messages that are being spoken all around you.
This moment is the beginning of you tuning into your own resonance.
If you’ve said yes to hearing this message then you know you have committed to a cause that is far beyond what you can understand from a human perspective. But you know.
The lion hearted always know.
There is a lineage of royal bloodline, that has descended onto this planet for a cause that will be made known soon.
This message was encoded for those specific people to find, and hear like a ROAR that wakes you up. Literally, like a phone ringing inside your heart waiting to be picked up. Like a seed nesting for the perfect time to resurrect itself.
I can see you all as we receive and read these words together. Light in our eyes. Harmony in our intentions.
Take these energetic resources with you as you create your dens, and build your pride, and honor the lion, the leo, the royalty that lives inside of your bloodline. Your soul family has successfully served worlds for eons, and we thank you for being with us at this time.
The energy is calling for action towards a goal and cause that is infinitely devoted to who you be in your divine majesty, and how you share your resources and power with others. This time needs leaders, and you are one of the ones called to lead.
There is an epic journey ahead and for sure it is going to be marinated with monsters and demigorgons like we have never seen before, but at the same time those are just a parallel dimension of something left undone.
We’ve called back to this moment to heal the timelines. To remedy the place and space in all of our hearts and sources where the world went wrong.
This is a message for the big haired, wild warriors of the truth. The flame keepers. Public Speakers. Music weavers. The ones who are not afraid to guide others on a journey.
The world needs you to use your voice.
The earth is crying for you to use your power’s of persuasion and conversation and let your channel and transmission be a blueprint for all to follow.
You are a template of authenticity. And this world needs your wild mane and mystery!!
There is a time to use your power, your voice, and your inner knowing and it is now.
In the high heats of summer, there will be an offering for humans of the lion lineages to come together and recommit to their authentic voice and leadership abilities.
In the mean time, keep following the clues, and who knows? Maybe there will be a part two of this series, after the grand finale that the summer ahead unfolds.
Keep being you. That is the realness. That is the medicine. That is the truth.
Authenticity Mystery
A live shot, in the moment, of me writing these words to you (well until the second dog plopped down). This is an affirmation to lead wherever you’re at, exactly as you are. No more hiding, or being ashamed. This is the tale of your beautiful, unabashed mystery project. It’s time to show up in your majesty and reveal to earth the royalty that we’re all meant to be a part of creating.